The proper name for the outer genitals is the vulva (vuhl-vah). Sit with your knickers off and your legs open, and get ready to take a tour. We'll just look at what you can see and feel, to get you started. Let's get started! It can help to get yourself a mirror, make sure you have some real privacy (or at least a door that locks) and some quality time to get to know your body and yourself. Here's the scoop for most people whose bodies have a vulva, vagina, labia, clitoris and/or uterus and other structures. Many things some people presume are problems with some kinds of sex or genital function or appearance are just realities of anatomy they didn't know. A lot of questions about how to have sex, how to masturbate, and worries about all of what's all going on down below can be easily solved by simply getting to know what genitals and other reproductive organs are all about.